TRIPAWDS: Home to 23144 Members and 2162 Blogs.

The Pack Is Back!

Hey everyone,

Hope you enjoyed Mick’s updates last week! He definitely seemed to enjoy it (I think he got a pound or two heavier).

Sorry for the 2 day hiatus on the return. We’re getting back into the swing of things and back to the good routines.

Here’s the update for the past few days:

  1. Sunday was when we picked up Mick’s brother, Toby, from “Jail”. The boarding center we use loves Mick, and we felt that having him with us to pick up Toby would be great! Hops around on his legs really well, and I think he’s got more pep in his step! That evening was a chill one since we were still unpacking.
  2. Monday, I have off, and it was somewhat relaxing. I did a bunch of shopping to get Mick’s rehab back on track. I picked up 4 pool noodles and put them in the main hallway of the house (the fastest route to the couch for Mick). So following the guidelines his grandpawrents gave, I’ve set them up for him to walk across.
  3. Today is super lazy day, mostly because Colorado is in the middle of a heatwave right now, so not going to venture out unless we need to. Plus, getting Mick to walk to the noodles is easy for him! Going to make things a tad more challenging for him soon. I set up a small dog pool on the deck outside (try to get these dogs to enjoy water), but they are not the greatest fans of it.

The next step for Mick is to get his Apheresis done next week, and talk with his Vet to get some more exercises figured out for him so he can walk better.

Overall, Mick has been doing extremely well, and it seems like any discomfort he has is really on his front leg with all the weight it bears and we give him Rimadyl on an as-needed basis for that.

So happy my tripawd is getting back to his regular goofy self! I’ll be talking to Arielle and we’ll see if we can get a recovery picture album setup for everyone to view!


Going HOME – by Mick

Woof – Good Evening Pack and Friends.

This is my last blog with my Grandparents. Dad is supposed to get home and will be taking over my updates as I beat the challenges of being a tripawd.

This morning started off with Grandpaw.  He was drinking coffee on the back porch and I joined him . . . then we saw a rabbit!  I never took my eyes off it . . .then Grandpaw told me to get it!  I got within 6 feet from across the yard before he darted away . . .next time, I’ll get him! Then Grandpaw needed to do some project in the garage and asked if I would like to observe. Sure . . . but, he left the car door open. You know there is something about an open car door that is very enticing. So, I just put myself in the back seat. I could see out. It was not hot. Grandpaw left the back hatch open and I could hear and see everything going on in the garage. So, I stayed. Then Grandpaw had an errand and insisted that I needed to get out of the car . . . but it sure was fun to be in there!

This afternoon I pretty much hung with Grandmaw. She was washing my blanket, towel, and t-shirts. I noticed that she was packing my bag with these things. Then it dawned on me, I was going home today. Dad was coming home! Woof Woof!

We practiced my walking and running so I could show him how much I have accomplished.

Then we got some very sad news. Another cousin of mine, Lynyrd, who is also a Boxer, died today due to hemangiosarcoma cancer.  I thought Lynyrd was a neat dude. Very calm and made me feel very welcome and a part of his pack when I stayed with him for a week.  I am going to miss him.    woooooooo

Around 6PM, Grandpaw told me that we needed to go and get the mail. Guess who was outside —DAD!!! Woof Woof! I was sooooo happy to see him and mom. I couldn’t get enough of them …and they were sooooo happy to see me too!  I got to show off my walking skills and new toy.  They said that they had missed me and enjoyed my blogs.  Woof!

This week went fast. I got to know my grandpawrents and great grandpawrents.  (They are GREAT)  I made a new friend and visited with family. We had a good time. I feel better and stronger, too.

As I finish my last dictation to Grandmaw, I want to thank all those that are helping my parents and me through my new adventure with three paws. Your advice and support mean a lot to us.

Till next time… Woof Woof – Mick

TGIFriday – by Mick

Woof – to my Pack and friends.

This morning I woke up and was raring to GO!

I went out to the backyard this morning and trotted alongside Grandmaw. I think running is easier than trying to walk on lead.  We did it a couple of times. It was fun!

Later that morning I went with Grandmaw for an outside visit with a friend at a Memory Care place. I didn’t like that place – looked like the Vet’s place. I REFUSED to get out of the car. Grandmaw went from door to door to encourage me to exit. NOPE, I was not going.  She said that was okay and we went back home.

Grandpaw came home later and he took me out to the backyard to practice my new three-legged gait. Running is much smoother for me than my walking (which looks more like I’m hopping). He said I was making good progress! I demonstrated my bouncing twists and turns, too. We just laughed!

After dinner, Grandpaw took me to meet a new friend. Bailey – a Sheltie. She was nice. We sniffed and licked but I am a little shy. So, we parted with a sniff.

Tomorrow night, Dad gets home. I am looking forward to going to my home but I will miss all the attention I get from my Grandpawrents.

Woof – Till tomorrow


“I’m Just Pooped” by Mick

Mick Relaxing and Enjoying Newest Toy

Woof – Hello to my Pack and Friends!

After so much excitement and activity for the last two days, I am just pooped — not a lot of zip in my step today!

This morning I chose to go on a very short walk with Grandmaw in the cul-de-sac. Came home and was a “couch potato” for the rest of the day. I didn’t even want to walk around in the backyard or meet some new friends. My grandpawrents said that was okay. I had major surgery and it takes a while to fully recover . . . two steps forward, one step back. I should have a little more energy tomorrow.

This afternoon I listened to Grandmaw’s Zoom meetings and I “supervised” Grandpaw mowing the lawn. (I am not a big fan of lawnmowers or blowers.)

THEN, Grandmaw gave me a new toy. I LOVE IT! I tossed it around. Squeaked it. Right now, I am cuddling with it as I dictate.

Life is good!

Woof, Woof – till next time.


Hump Day June 9 by Mick

Woof – to my Pack and Friends!

This morning I woke up ready to “GO”. Grandmaw took me on a very short walk down the street and back at 5:30 this morning. It was nice and cool, but I was still a little out of step . . . hence the short walk. Before she took off again, she gave me about ½ of my breakfast and I went back to sleep.

After finishing our breakfast, she took me out to the backyard to just walk around and try three-point walking over the low boards that Grandpaw left out. I was told that I just need to practice and was doing mah-velously!.

Grandmaw also said my fur was returning and it looked slick! That my scars are going to disappear in no time. I am so happy to have such Grandpawrents.

Later this morning, Grandpaw took me over to another cousin’s home…darn it, they weren’t there. [They are a lot of fun to play with.]   I did recognize the backyard!

We came back home, and I was “dragging”. Perhaps a little too much walking or getting a little too hot outside.

So, we three were hanging out on the porch when my Great- Grandpawrents stopped by.  Woof Woof!  I was so attentive to them and escorted them everywhere until they had to leave.

This evening Grandpaw took me on another short walk and walking in the backyard. I pooped and I am POOPED. That is hard work!

I am going to sleep early tonight!

Woof-Woof to all –


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